What is Praxis?

Praxis is an experiential, community-based learning program that integrates theory and practice through student engagement in active, relevant fieldwork that is integrated into academic courses.

There are three types of Praxis courses, which require increasing amounts of fieldwork but do not need to be taken successively.

Praxis I and II

Praxis I and Praxis II courses are offered within a variety of academic departments and are developed by faculty in those departments.

Praxis Independent Study

Praxis Independent Study courses are developed by individual students, in collaboration with faculty and field supervisors.

Students may enroll in more than one Praxis course at a time and are sometimes able to use the same field placement to meet the requirements of both courses.

Praxis Fieldwork Seminars

Praxis Fieldwork Seminars bring students working at independent but related field sites together to meet with a single faculty advisor.


For more information about Bryn Mawr College’s Praxis program, please click here.