Category Archives: Shreya Bhutani: Concepts in Justice

Shreya Bhutani, Growth and Structure of Cities, BMC ‘22

Concepts in Justice

Faculty Advisory: Jennifer Hurley

Field Site: American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania

Field Supervisor: Andrea Anastasi

Course Description:

This course contextualized the framework of the justice system in order to gain a real-world understanding of what the legal process may look like. Exploring different perspectives in the framework of civil liberties, this course focused on what delivering justice may look like in various forms. Through an exploration of the American Civil Liberties Union, I analyzed concepts illustrated by the organization’s mission statement, which reads as follows “the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, membership organization dedicated to defending and expanding individual rights and personal freedoms throughout the entire state of Pennsylvania”. Moreover, this course focused on the operational aspects of non-profit work in relation to its mission goals.

Praxis Research Paper:


To access a PDF version of Shreya’s Praxis research paper on Medical Marijuana and Pennsylvania Law Enforcement, please click here.