Museum Studies Fieldwork Seminar (Prof. Scott)
Faculty Advisor: Monique Scott
Field Site: Philadelphia Film Society
Field Supervisor: Rosie Jacobson
Fieldwork Description:
The Museum Studies Fieldwork Seminar is a Bryn Mawr College PRAXIS class that is made up of an internship at a field site and a lecture class. The field site I worked at was the Philadelphia Film Society and I was an Education and Outreach Intern. At the Philadelphia Film Society (PFS), I worked on two educational projects: The Albert M. Greenfield Student Screening Program and Cinemaniacs. The Greenfield Program is a free field trip program for grades 6-12. There are 6 movies associated with this program. This program includes screenings, pre and post screening activities, and discussions. For this program I started by watching the 6 movies in and taking notes on them. Then I wrote the lesson plans, pre and post screen activities, and questions. The second program I worked on was Cinemaniacs. Cinemaniacs is a pilot-program designed for high schools to enjoy and learn about film after school. For this program I took the lesson plan created by my Field Supervisor and turned that into PowerPoint presentations. I did some research to provide a more holistic view and filled out in-kind donations. I also turned some parts of the lesson plans into worksheets and I made notebooks for the students. The PFS did temporary close due to COVID-19 and I was not able to continue my internship after Spring Break. To fulfill my internship requirement for this class, I created a small zine that says what I did at the PFS.
Final Presentation:
Museum Studies Presentation(1)(1)Please click here to access a PDF version of the presentation.
Creative Silkscreen eBook Cover(2) (1)Please click here to access a PDF version of the zine.
Hi Sofia,
I love the Zine! You know until I saw this, I wasn’t sure what a Zine actually looked like. It is fantastic ! As someone who has just been learning about film studies, I was glad to recognize some of the terms, like “jump cut” and “wide-angle shot.” I thought the section on Representation was really important.
I like the way you combined a description about the internship itself and the content of the Cinemaniacs curriculum. My sense is that you have quite a talent for building educational programs.
I believe that your field supervisor and the other staff at the Philadelphia Film Society will find your Zine useful in orienting new interns.
Hi Sofia,
You not only taught me what a Zine is but also gave me a much better sense of the history and programming of the Philadelphia Film Society and film studies more generally. Your presentation and Zine are beautifully designed and I really enjoyed reading them.
You seem to have contributed to the educational programs of the PFS in substantial ways. Have you received any feedback from students or educators that have used your lesson plans and worksheets?
I was also wondering how your experience at the PFS compared to those of other students in the seminar with placements in museums. I’m sure there were interesting differences and similarities.
Thanks for sharing !
Hey Sofia,
I want to reiterate how *amazing* your zine is! PFS was so lucky to have you as an intern, even if only for a short while. The Film Studies information was also super informative, I’d definitely send around to the B<C department for them to use @ info sessions.
CONGRATS and great job!